Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

@Isaac_Gonzalez I’m conftown and your neighbour. Eevee, Arete and Poss are scum, Arete claimed Mayor but I am Mayor. xoxo, your non-leaving dad.

In all fairness, there is nowhere writen nomination phase only lasts few hours.

Poisoner, the great hyperconfirmable town


/whisper Eevee

This’ll be a quick one

16 hours is well enough time and you know it, Eevee.

Phases were in the signups.

See! Italy gets it, this is why I love you sometimes.


Yes. But nominations were over at this time.

Stop trying to bullcrap your way with this.

How was I supposed to know it without it beign in op tho.

/whisper @eevee

12 hours: Discussion phase. Nominations may not be cast at this time.
12 hours: Nomination phase. Players who wish to nominate may do so at this time, and votes may begun to be cast during this time as well.
24 hours: Vote finalization. During this time, votes may be cast freely on any existing nomination, but no new nominations may be made. Once this time ends or all votes have been locked in, the day will resolve.

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We even got an extra 2 hours on the nom phase.


Also, it’s still bullshit that phases were not announced in op.

And you are just saying this becouse you are evil rn.

Phases were announced.

Phases were in the signup op

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No. I’m not.

This is coming from the ‘You are an idiot’ side of me. Not the scum side of me.

Don’t worry, i’ve practiced tying nooses. I could do it while dead. We’ll have one ready for wazza tommorow.

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How do you grab things when dead?



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