Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

We even got an extra 2 hours on the nom phase.


Also, it’s still bullshit that phases were not announced in op.

And you are just saying this becouse you are evil rn.

Phases were announced.

Phases were in the signup op

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No. I’m not.

This is coming from the ‘You are an idiot’ side of me. Not the scum side of me.

Don’t worry, i’ve practiced tying nooses. I could do it while dead. We’ll have one ready for wazza tommorow.

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How do you grab things when dead?



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And wait what? Why for me! I did nothing wrong:(

you stole my iocane powder stash

No, that was my dog.

what dog

My cute one of course!

photos or doesn’t exist

Everyone knows i’m actually a walking corpse. That’s how I came back to life twice in Deus Ex 3

Aight one sec.

ah shoot 1k posts i gotta read F
My dog but I think it’s sideways lol

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existence of doggo confirmed


…I have more.