Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Hold up. Someone killed the Fortune Teller?

Did he post in d2?

Yes. The demon. Literally the only class in TB with killing power. The evil whom we must execute to win. The big baddie. The scumteam leader. The hellspawn. The creature that serves satan. The monster with a pitchfork here to kill us. The guy who doesn’t like us liking god. The- you get the idea.

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wasn’t Tangeld the fortune teller?

This is just the first relevant post I found from him

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Thanks. He could be pulling a James (you know, from RM3?)

Claim evil, get cleared as too scummy for scum.

Nope, he’s not even trying to clear himself, he’s just straight-up claiming evil

He had a couple of good-class claims after that but they were very obviously not serious

Is there a fool like class?
I could check myself but too lazy

Just see if people have bibles in their house. If not = PoE. Easy!

There isn’t (except inasmuch as Minions may try to look scummy if they have to to save their Demon).

Apologies, but spirits can’t go towards religious objects and i don’t think people will let you in their homes.

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I’m not a spirit…

Hold on. When Nerbins died, it didn’t say his class or alignment. Is it different when demons die?

Not yet :upside_down_face:

Derpclear denied

but if the game ends with the death of a Demon, we’ll know because the game, well, ends

If a Scarlet Woman exists, or if the Demon dies at night, then the death won’t appear to be anything special


There are zero flips or anything like that. If the demon dies and there is nobody to take their role (Minions if imp starpasses, Scarlet Woman if imp dies in general), the game ends and good wins, even if there are still minions left.

I need to ask myself: How long was tan planning to kill me?

Then how do we know when demon dies, or just a scummy town?
sounded better in my head

She had that entire hole excavated, had a MASSIVE catapult built and put inside, and then buried it again.
How long was she planning this?

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How long did you hold your breath for?