Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Outsiders register as good but not as townsfolk, where those differ

For instance, an Empath sitting in between the Saint and the Drunk would get a 0, but a Saint who nominated the Virgin would not die

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Is kyo expressing the idea of hanging me?

I am expressing this idea.

and i second this idea.

Tangeld if you seriously answer this possessed question despite it being irony, I will do something nasty and put this topic on delete 10 minutes after last post happens.

bold words

so in mafia terms they’re neutral-goods, aka neutrals that need to see evil fall.
characters that look for non-scum or non-town detect them, characters that look for are-scum or are-town do not

People arguing against an italy lynch are the same people who would say “let’s focus on someone who has a 40% chance of being NK instead of groupscum”

This is how kyo got lynched in Sfol55 instead of dat.


Please don’t meme-lock my thread, Eevee.

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and guess what. These people tend to be groupscum.

I didn’t meme-lock it.

Everytime someone posts, all my mod tools jump down to match it.

It’s hard to click correct buttons as moderator.

dude, imagine an offshoot cookie thread that deleted itself if no one posted for an hour

Arete has a valid reason :upside_down_face:

For hanging you? Okay.

Alright, i’d like some proof that makes me confirmed “evil”




Counterpoint: in most scenarios where Dat gets lynched there BD loses

also I would say that it’s more like, on D3 in ToL with no Unseen dead, executing a suspicious Maid claim who might be Mastermind rather than executing the confirmed Servant

a circumstance in which people pushing for said Maid tend to be BD and people pushing for the Servant tend to be scum (but your shade on me is noted :upside_down_face:)


hung would be past tense, it’s hanging