Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Counter claim’s disproven. Move on.

Eevee. I’m not kidding when I say i’m never going to let you live it down. Just saying.


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My accusation:

For various reasons that Eevee’s discussed with me in private I’m unlikely to be spy, meaning that (unless Drunk/Channelmaster) our Undertaker can actually confirm my alignment. Since I’m in a thunderdome and my class is only useful anyways if it’s trusted, we might as well execute me anyway in order to stop Marshal’s dumb tinfoiling because he doesn’t like that I’m actually trying to win this game for town probably because he’s evil. This should also confirm the other half of the thunderdome as evil.

Arete, you may provide a defense to this accusation.

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I can tell you for sure that arete 100% trusted me.
Poor child never saw the betrayal coming

Italy knew the consequences of a fake claim and didn’t divulge the information. With Eevee our master of whispers, all information will circulate through him. If you are taking a claim, you tell him beforehand.

/Hand Up Italy

Marshal has been cooperative in this discussion and is being pushed by a red handed scum.

/Hand Down Marshal

@Tangeld @anon97870008

except its not tho.
you say you only did that as ravenkeeper. but that you knew you were doing this in advance, which i dont think you are

also you act like i agree with it when i want to put it out there that is not my current belief of the world. as stated before i am just working within the assumption-space

My defense is that in theory the Undertaker could be Drunk/Poisoned/Channelmastered/whatever and that would mess up our ability to solve

but this is still a good execution so w/e

When undertaker confirms me as Ravenkeeper. I will NEVER let ANY of you who hands upped me live it down. NEVER.

Unless you’re evil because that’s kinda your job

Oh Eevee told me you were evil, I was trying to get you to leak information about your teammates

this isn’t convincing anyone.

i can develop opinons within the assumption space, but that doesnt mean i believe the assumption.
i have no opinion on whether or not there really is this evidence on you as eevee says. i am merely assuming it for the purposes of gathering information on you that others, namely eevee would back

Are you calling me dumb?

One role with wrong results is already found.

There still can be second, sure.

Lowers the probability tho.

@Tangeld @anon97870008 /hand up Arete

The town may now vote on Arete’s nomination. As it stands, seven votes are required to execute.

Italy is power-minion (Posioner or scarlet woman, IMO) and arete is prolly baron, trying to counterwagon onto themselves instead of italy.

I would like to request that we not tie the votes because tied votes are bad

I’m down for any of the executions