Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I did something!
Also, for that one liner, that took me a few minutes of typing and retyping over and over, like a writer editing his manuscript

Actually in the end I was like “nah fuck it yolo” and cut away everything
Gambler at heart
Dont ask me why im awake at 430AM in the morning

Still mad at you for ruining the execution, shuri

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What one liner? Heard people before mention Shur said a one liner but didn’t bother to ask till now


In all honestly that’s why I listed frost.
I had enough time to read all my messages I private for the info and more.
I am confident of it was a fake claim you would all have had been wrong (But i was dead and didn’t matter to much in the end.)

I saw it as possible since why would you do it to out an evil in the pairing.
Also Maxwell seems like he gets mislynched a bit/no trusted so i could see it.
Don’t downing you Max I am the same way alot of the time.

I play it over discord every friday with friends.
Since the docs are all avilible online.

ah nice

has anyone besides me preordered the actual physical version

If i had freinds(who would get it) i would.

but like… they wouldn’t enjoy it. I’ve told them about forum mafia(because they always see this site on my phone) and they are like “lol what nerds you are probably gonna get internet molested” and they all really failed to grasp the ToS card game so it’s a lost cause.

Who are you on Discord? It’s possible we’ve played together, depending on which server you’re on.

I use my friends server and mostly people from my home community.

But my discord is just Trustworthy Liberal.

Called “A Nice house” I believe (or similar would double check but discord is down for me right now)

Ah, never mind then.

can i play with your group?

get carried lmao


It’s a public Discord, once Discord decides to stop being broken I can send you an invite

It has a mix of longform text games (kind of like this) and shorter games taking place over voice chat


you’ll like it there

