Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Neither exist

…Did eevee just change their name in the last 10 seconds?

Drunk Heretic

Yea, I know, we missed such nice thunderome betwen 2 monks.

If it was a thunderdome, I would’ve won anyways. Italy always wins in the end…

I have played 4 BotC games before this. In 3 of them, I thunderdomed the demon on the last day. We don’t talk about the fourth one…

Except most of the wars

I always win the wars!

@eevee , @Italy, @Arete, @Shurian, @Marshal, @DirectorHail, @Simon, @Nerbins

Vote no on the Tangeld nomination please

This is your scheduled reminder that only @Marshal and @Arete have cast votes on all outstanding nominations thus far. For doing so before being prompted, I award them each one virtual headpat.


/hands u…i mean down tangeld

@Frostwolf103, @Wazza, @Maxwell, @Magnus, @Possessed, @KyoDaz

You also vote no on the Tangeld nomination please

good crosspost

Tan should cast her ghost vote :eyes:

/doublevote NO on tangeld lynch

Am I the only person noticing eevee’s constant name changes?

Shurian, great you are here.

As my descendant, you carry on decision if to eat arete or Italy for lynch.


This can only be Kape’s doing

/hand down tangeld
Yall no read that flips here
Dont exist.

Our undertaker tho is safe and sound.

Marshal is still an option!