Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Let’s run through this one last time for those who decided not to listen. Marshal.

  1. Baron. Arete would NOT be trying to save me if both of us were evil. That’s all I need to say here.
  2. Poisoner/SW. I wouldn’t claim without my bluffs, and I wouldn’t claim a class I knew it was in play.
  3. Imp/Spy. Just no. I’m not stupid. I’d be guaranteed to know what is and isn’t in play. I’m no idiot. This just CANNOT be a possibility.

sighs heavily

Vote yes on Arete so that I can hopefully, via the use of our hopefully Good Sober Undertaker, confirm myself as my actual class, which is only useful when trusted anyway, which due to the thunderdome I won’t be. This will allow me to deconstruct the narrative currently being pushed by (among others) Marshal, whom I suspect of being evil.

In short terms. If I were to be ANY evil, ANY evil in this game. It’d be baron. A waste of time to execute, and arete would in no way be my scumbuddy protecting me because baron is literally useless after they spawn. Killing either of us is a waste of time, no matter what you think.

I hate making decisions.

My main playstyle is support, not thread leader. Aaaaaaaaaaa.
I’m supposed to bait scum into incorrect decisions and create situations where people can clear themselfs.

Why it had to be me aaaaaaaa

Italy stop trying to make us look as partners by defending me

You’re going to be part of my scumspew and you’re gonna like it!


Killing evils is never bad decision, duh.


Baron is literally as good alive as he is dead after he spawns. It’s a waste of time no matter how you see me, minion or town.




Excretory Passage


Okay, that might be bad idea to do alphabet of synonyms for that word.

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I’m tired, you can see it, I started doing weird stuff.

Think about that. We have a limited number of executions. Baron’s voice will live on, and he will still be able to vote when he needs it. Why would you lynch a person who’s only possible evil class would be “Baron” instead of lynching someone in an actual PoE?
And actually think about it, don’t just say you did.

Gluteus Maximus


Interior Emergency Exit

Junk Trunk

any idea for K?

@Marshal and @Arete have cast votes on all outstanding nominations.

@eevee has only cast a vote on the nomination of Tangeld.

@Italy has cast votes on all nomination exept that of Arete.

@Shurian has cast votes on the nominations of Italy and Tangeld.

@Simon has only cast a vote on the nomination of Marshal.

@Magnus has only cast a vote on the nomination of Tangeld.

@Possessed has cast votes on the nominations of Italy and Marshal.

Anyone I didn’t name has cast no votes yet, and will be mentioned in a separate ping later.

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Vote yes on Arete 2k19


Google suggests ‘keister’

Marshal & eevee, maybe respond so you aren’t proving my point of you’re only listening to the things that loop around to “KILL ITALY, KILL ARETE BUT KILL ITALY FIRST”

Eevee you cannot run away now that you’ve started typing

Excuse me, I need to finish the alphabet.