Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


Did I fuck up situation even more?




Inconveniently Wazza is not in the thread

A little, yeah.

Shurian is right tho.
I messed up my messup. He is not monk.

They are rather strongish role with okayish reactions, but that’s around it.

Omfg, I even mess up who I mess up.

Wazza: God damn it I got hooked from 4 dimensions away

SMH eevee can’t even succeed at failing

That means I didn’t fail.

I never failed.


To fail a fail so hard

Task failure failed
Task failed successfully

We must put our differences aside, and cease this senseless killing. We are all taxpayers after all. Well, most of us.

yes but if you didn’t fail then you failed at failing

welcome to the paradox

I mean, task succeded failurly in this case.

I succesfuly not outed a monk, due to a fialure

To fail but a failure of a fail to success in a failed fail, failing to success but success to fail

On the other hand you outed that Shurian was important and now he’s probably going to die

Anyway, cya, @Wazza thunderome Arete, have fun.

@Arete thunderome Wazza, have fun

@Marluxion revive, have fun

also /whisper Eevee

Aww shet
Watch me die n1


I’ll protect you :upside_down_face:


