Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

On the other hand you outed that Shurian was important and now he’s probably going to die

Anyway, cya, @Wazza thunderome Arete, have fun.

@Arete thunderome Wazza, have fun

@Marluxion revive, have fun

also /whisper Eevee

Aww shet
Watch me die n1


I’ll protect you :upside_down_face:




To be clear this is a quick whisper, I don’t want to keep you up any later :eyes:


Inb4 i really am monk and tricked the demon into thinking it’ll be bad if they kill me

You are not.

Don’t tell them that!

Aaaaa, I can’t check own pm cause they aer directed ot eevee, not to my name, cause system didnt update it yet.

/whisper This_Nickname_Sucks

I’ll just make a new PM for us and re-send the message

Meh, I’m off, cya.

…Or not.

Okay, if you are not sending then off.

If I staied any later I would risk of outing someone more beside Magnus and Shruian.

6am is too late to go to sleep. AAAAAAAAAAaaaaa

You didn’t accept the second whisper so I assumed you didn’t want it


Where’d you get the idea to fakeclaim Mayor?