Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


Where’d you get the idea to fakeclaim Mayor?

Wazza’s between Maxwell and Frost

if he heard about the idea from anyone it would be more likely to be Maxwell but I think it’s just as plausible he came up with the idea on his own

Eevee’s the only one he’s whispered with

So no leads there

what are the atheist and heretic? ive looked on the wiki and i cannot find them
and for that matter, what is mephet

mmkay could you explain this one too?
like idk where you’re getting these characters from, cause none of them are on the wiki

orifice for excrement?

they’re kickstarter characters
they don’t exist yet but will eventually since their goals were met

Orifice of eruption

Disclaimer that none of these characters actually exist yet. Okay, here we go.

Atheist is a Townsfolk that upon spawning, causes all evil players to be removed from the game. Storyteller instead simulates their presence. Good wins by executing the Storyteller.

Heretic is an Outsider that causes the win conditions to flip. This ability persists after the Heretic’s death.

Mephet is a Minion who spawns knowing a secret word. If a good-aligned player speaks this word during the day, they become evil at nightfall.

Legion is a Demon that causes no Minions and several Legions to spawn; however, these Legions do not have voting power and kills are decided by the Storyteller.


Potatoes botatoes

I have yet to whisper anyone but eevee today and don’t really plan on doing so.

What does this mean?

/not execute Tangled
/execute the hell out of Marshal

I actually thought Marshal was bussing Arete when defending me with Marshal being demon for the towncred
But he was defending me so idgaf. lmfao.

y’all arent serious?

y’all are actually voting to execute me.

well i guess kyo is gettin lumped in the scumpile.

Thinking of executing me over a conf minion and thunderdomed nerd.

If any slayer wants to take a potshot at me RN, then feel free.

This is almost as stupid as hanging me as Sheriff which is why I’m doing it

Shush not everyone knows yet

What I’m interested in is why you’d defend yourself via a slayer shot not only wasting it but just confirming you as not Demon when you could attempt to change the lynch.

I think Marshal is Minion here, but something like Poisoner.

@Isaac_Gonzalez You’re backup, we need a replacement. Do you have time?
