Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Saying that you would something or other if x means nothing on it’s own
It can cancel out something else to make a thing nai, but when not paired against an argument it is itself nai

My vote may change depending on what @eevee and I discuss when he accepts my whisper.
Pretty sure he knows everything that can possibly can be known now. I’ve just decided to follow him blindly and accepted that if he’s scum, we’re fucked.

This is the sort of thing I mean when I say that I don’t think you would be able to conclusively prove anything to me

the only evil I can be is baron
not only have i explained that my actions are nothing like a baron’s, but executing the baron would be a waste of time as they lose nothing important but still get another death towards majority

Isaac whispering Italy is a tad :thinking:

he said he random spinned it

We get 1 lynch per day

If he’s scum he could just lie

I didn’t even accept

Why don’t you tell me what minion you think I am?

I don’t know but I know you’re probably not the Demon

Actually it occurs to me that technically you could be Demon if you accidentally CC’d a Minion

though in that case you did so twice and also Possessed is exactly Spy

I can’t be anything but Baron on the grounds that i’m not stupid
I can’t be baron because i’m actively explaining why executing me is a bad idea.

You could be Baron if I’m wrong about Marshal

You also could be evil who made a suboptimal play

I never whispered. What are the chances i’d claim a class not in play, and not only have a minion dumb enough, but also unlucky enough, to claim the same class?

Okay I actually think this might be what happened now because you’re trying to convince me it’s not

@Tangeld are my votes on Marshal and myself locked yet?

Also Wazza still hasn’t come online to thunderdome me

sad Arete noises

Proof against me is nulled, i’ve pointed out reasons I can’t be evil. This has devolved into “LYNCH ITALY REEEEEEE”

You’re claiming you never whispered?