Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I never sent public whispers.

Yeah, Italy and I definitely whispered.

And presumably so did Italy and Eevee.

Nobody that wasn’t my neighbor has neither had or sent a whisper with me

So answer me this.

In a game where we gather and circumvent all information through one source, why would you feel it necessary to divert the game plan by withholding information? You knew what it would cost you.

except those people i refused to talk to

Because I didn’t think of it. Please remember that I am speaking english here.

This is unfortunate if this really is a language barrier issue, but I don’t think it’d make sense to excuse someone on a misunderstanding because it’s an easy cop out.

Let it be clear after execution of Italy: Our blind faith is in Eevee. You have a play to make, you run it through him. You have information, you run it through him. Non-compliance is a death sentence.

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watch Eevee turn out to be evil and manipulating us

At this point I’m 70% sure eevee will win the game regardless of his alignment.

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The language barrier here is that people are apparently speaking some gibberish that conviniently translates anything I say that explains why i can’t be evil into unreadable nonsense and nothing else

If he is then that sucks, but I think it’s both a safer play and smarter play to do it like this.

What’s your reason you can’t be?

I just preordered Blood on the Clocktower
There’s a group I play with sometime that loves social deduction so im excited

Ooo what’s this? I’ve been looking for a social deduction game for friends

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I can’t be anything other than baron on the grounds that i’ve played long enough and am smart enough to know how stupid claiming without bluffs is.
I can’t be baron because i’m actively explaining why killing me is useless no matter how you see it

The actual game doesn’t release until march but it’s what this forum game is based off of lol.
it’s $111 to pre-order a copy.


You technically haven’t disproven the scenario where you’re a Demon and accidentally doubled up with a Minion who hadn’t yet received bluffs

Which is less probable than me guessing every single evil here right now.


What do you expect the Undertaker claim to see tonight if we execute you