Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


What do you expect the Undertaker claim to see tonight if we execute you


And when they say I am, I will say I told you so, and never let any of you live it down

Raven keeper.

Now here’s the dilemma: Eevee could have gotten another Ravenkeeper claim, or you could have gotten the information you needed to claim Ravenkeeper AFTER you claimed Monk.

Your life is at his mercy, just as this game is.

I’m not 100% trusting you, however rn I think we should lynch italy and just leave arete/wazza markes as non-demon, but noone really should listen to them.

I fear for my life, it took him hours of knowing I was actually ravenkeeper for him to realize i’m not thunderdomed with the monk anymore

At this point, this game is eevee’s bitch and I’m pretty sure there’s no way to make that not the case for the rest of the game.

Which i’m fine with. I trust him greatly right now.

Counterpoint: we could execute me, get me confirmed as actual Mayor, and then you all will be able to trust me


If the consensus is that he is actually a Spy then yes, but I’d imagine Eevee is protection priority.

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Friendly reminder to everyone that DEAD PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO TALK.


If he’s a spy, he’s fooled me far greater than I have ever been fooled before in any FM game.

And can vote.

That would require check on the other monk (minion in your scenario) to be faked, which is possible, but kinda unlikely.


Info I actually didn’t know. Still, you’re not priority Arete.

Dead people can talk.
Dead minions can vote to execute someone once while dead.

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Me as well. Let’s hope we’re not all fools here lmao

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/accept Maxwell

i’m actually kamikaze and i tricked you all

I have concluded my whisper session with eevee, and all I have to say now is that Italy, you’re fucking dead.