Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Upon the final 3 people, if no one is lynched, I’ll auto-win Town the game.

Your point?

/whisper Arete

/accept again

Mayor can bounce incoming night kills to other people.

lol at 2 mayor claims whispering each other.

Like… what’s the point?

“You lie”
“No u”

Kinda weird.


Since it’s an imp, tan can make the imp kill theirself and force a starpass even :eyes:

No no u

Nominations have officially closed. The current outstanding nominations are as follows:

Marshal has nominated Italy. Six votes to execute as of present.

Italy has nominated Marshal. Four votes to execute as of present.

Arete has nominated Arete. One vote to execute as of present.

Magnus has nominated Tangeld. One vote to execute as of present.

Seven votes are required to have an execution today. The players have twenty-four hours to finalize their votes.

Could you ping this people?




/whisper Isaac

Oh I’m actually blind nevermind.

please tell us who has yet to vote @Tangeld

@Isaac_Gonzalez accept this whisper as soon as fucking possible or be banished to the n00b realm for all of eternity.

/whisper Maxwell

@DirectorHail, @Nerbins, @Isaac_Gonzalez and @Wazza have not yet voted on any nomination.

@Arete and @Marshal have voted on all outstanding nominations.

If I didn’t say your name, you have voted on at least one nomination, but not all outstanding. You may inquire as to the current state of your votes in your class DM (because I can’t ping fourteen people at once).

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I voted on all of them

I was mid-whisper so I couldn’t speak.

(wait are you meant to vote in classcards, hngh I’m so confused)

you can vote in either