Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


Who’s the fake Outsider?

You claimed something that wasn’t ravenkeeper.

And then changed it. Hunting for raven keeper

Baron prolly in play

I claimed monk because it was a class demon would want dead. That’s kinda logic.


We have a Saint Thunderdome.


Worse thing is.

Can’t resolve it.

Oh yes.

We do.

/whisper @Wazza
re-add me to the DM. NOW!

We also don’t have a Mayor thunderdome. So that’s neat.

(sorry for outing you Wazz but it’s pretty obvious you’re one of the “Saints”)

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Hm, but why. All you did was just ignore me.

Oh is it between you + arete?

Ignore this, I will not speak with Waz.

Arete is in a thunderdome i know that

no lol.

Arete just outed me.

They both claim mayor

No, because I’m the Mayor, not the Saint.

Wazz is claiming Saint, and I know he’s not the only Saint claim.

Not anymore.

I’m in a thunderdome with someone I don’t even know.
(Saint vs Saint)

/whisper eevee a.k.a. @eevee
accept this ASAP


After whisper I will drop some more info.