Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Rerolled due to integrity breach)

this is the goal

no, I think I want this game to last forever

the cult leader only has a 30% chance of being evil
I’ll take it pog

I really do appreciate this sentiment, but all good things must come to an end, and there will always be those who just want to hasten that along. Speaking of which, we had a call for a Cult from EliThePsycho! Everyone, please drop into your classcard now to vote on whether or not you’d be willing to worship Eli. If all good players agree, and Eli is the real Cult Leader (because I’m doing this for anyone who claims Cult Leader and tries to start a cult, even if they’re bluffing, especially if they’re bluffing), Eli’s alignment will win!

is it revealed publicly if people joined or not?

If it ends the game, you’ll be the first to know. If not, nothing happens, and why would I need to tell you that nothing happened?

Well that whisper was interesting I guess.

/Whisper Pigeon

Cmere I need to have a nice talk with you

oh I guess I’m dumb I thought cult stuff was public

Why would anyone openly go and say “I want to join the Cult”

I have a better plan
if Eli’s an obvious wolf then we don’t join the cult

irl isn’t it run where each person publicly announces their intention

I don’t really get any reason not to say it

You’re basically saying “I’m putting my faith in Eli being villager”
Which if everyone else in the game starts obvtowning I would probably not

/whisper Nightingale

How am I saying that at all?

you as in me B) B) B)

i meant “by declaring your intention to join the cult, you are saying that …”

By the by, could you dears please politely ping me or Tangeld for future Cult formations?


/accept whisper

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Night has officially become bot?