Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam - Signups (11/15)

and what’s looking like PKR

Fine /in as seat 7


I just know Eli is an expert at BotC and he’s fun to talk to


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Shhhh don’t make me doubt it

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i’m not an expert and i am unfun to talk to

the real expert here is gghana

Good thing we won’t play together


Just a few questions:

  1. If a Good person is the babysitter and they get executed, does that mean Good wins? Does the babysitter win?
  2. Are there dead player votes in this?
  3. Something I forget

good wins
don’t know why minions would ever do that, but

there’s dead player votes in every clocktower smh

I don’t think Minions can make a townsfolk nor an outsider babysit the lil monsta?

they can

wot… that’s so dumb

i agree
which is why they don’t do it
also haha self-slayer shoot go brrr

Ok but can they make dead people babysit lil monsta

i think so
but good just wins


Oh wait dead player just counts as minion… uhh nvm then

So the idea, strat is literally massclaim and get rid of the most useless classes


Also I guess Saint execution is viable if evils do a big brain and put lil monsta on the Saint claim