Blood on the Forums VII - Behind the Curtains - Game Over - Evil Wins


Big sadge

Hello nerb


Master skywalker what are we going to do

also oogway
check the discord, #botc-text


I’m a little distracted right now but.

I wanted to talk about some things regarding this type of setup later.

For now feel free to do nerd stuff all of you.

So I’m just gonna split this up into 3 sections, because I know all of you were way too lazy to read a wallpost, but if I split it into two, you guys will never know you just read a wallpost.

So in this setup, there’s… interesting ways of misinformation. Poison and Drunkiness isn’t so common here as any other script, but our sources of misinformation are still plausible.

Drunkiness and Poison:
Your three forms of droison this game are

Poisoner is pretty simple, no need to explain.
Drunk and Marionette are a little different, as they completely think they’re a different role, but they still recieve poisoned info so… whatever.

Vortox gets his own little section cause Vortox’s form of misinformation is weird. It forces everything to be reversed, no matter what. But if we figure out Vortox we’re good and can just reverse any info we get.

Madness is technically misinformation, but granted if done right, it’s not that big a problem. However this is not SnV, so the amount of roles you can fakeclaim while mad that give some sort of info is limited per say.

Your two roles that make people mad are Cerenovus and Pixie

Cerenovus is quite strong in this considering it’s harder to share any mechanical information you have in this script as opposed to SnV, so beware.

Pixie is the other madness role. Pixie is a little wierd. Technically they can break madness if they want to without any real punishment, but they basically become a VT at that point, so maybe not if they have a character that is super strong.

Fang Gu, Lil Monsta, Scarlet Women and Imp:
I’m gonna group these 4 characters together.

The basic premise is that all 4 of these characters… can make other people demons or become the demon, one way or another.
This is semi-important to note because if we kill someone who was a “suspected demon”, and game doesn’t end, it doesn’t mean whoever was leading the push or giving the info is scum, cause it’s possible for the Demon to switch themselves with other folks.

Recluse and Politician:
While we’re technically playing 7p (no Outsiders, thank god), with a Fang Gu in game, these characters can still exist.

Politician specifically will always try to be a pain to us and Recluse really can’t do much about their ability.

Going in depth more about madness, as mentioned before, you’re two forms of madness are those from either Pixie or Cerenovus.

Cerenovus uses madness in this script to try to get people killed and spread misinformation, and this is extremely effective since the amount of mechanical information you can spew while being mad as a role that really doesn’t give information (such as Soldier) is very little compared to Cerenovus’s home script, Sucks and Violence.

Pixie on the other hand, uses madness more interestingly. Typically, if Pixie has a strong character, they would want to be mad about it. Now this causes the problem of “well they just die if they claim a strong character” which is very true. Which is why Pixie is probably better off trying to be mad in whispers, where information doesn’t leak and not everyone will know everything. Now if Pixie has a particularly useless character, such as Soldier, they should probably just out as Pixie and come out saying that they know a Soldier is in play, which is probably better information.

Now what does this mean exactly?

Well for one, if someone claims the same character as you, DON’T AND I REPEAT, counterclaim them. You never know if you’ll end ruining a mad Pixie that’s trying to inherit your legacy or you’ll fall into the hands of a Cerenovus carefully planning things out.

And for another, any doubleclaimers should be watched carefully though.

Knowing which minion is in-play (or minions in Lil Monsta game) is crucial information to us.


Ripoff Top 4 and Vortox Food
So this is the most important detail I wanted to note about this script.
This script has… 4 vastly different demons, but the most importat one is Vortox
Vortox’s second ability is the one I’m nothing here.

If Vortox is in-play and if no one dies during execution in the day, evil win automatically.
This is… very strong, and we should be avoiding this possible early gameend asap, which is why we must sacrifice someone to the possible Vortox everyday.

There are specific roles that are better sacrificed than others, which is way I’ll be giving a couple of characters that would be fine with being sacrificed.

Ripoff Top 4:
The first set of characters are what I call the “Ripoff Top 4”, because they’re literally bootleg versions of the Top 4 from Trouble Brewing, and these are:


Now Clockmaker and Librarian is self explanatory, they are both characters that already get all their information at the start of the game, and thus are practically fodder really to be honest.

Recluse and Heretic are different. If these characters exist, they should be prioritized immediately. This is because with these characters existing, if means we have a Fang Gu game, and Fang Gu can possess Outsiders, so these people need to die instantly so they don’t get jumped.

One extra note: If you are the Heretic, you should NOT CLAIM HERETIC AT ALL. If you do, Fang Gu can just kill themselves and win the game for evils. Instead claim Recluse so that we still have the information of it being a Fang Gu game, but not the risk of Demon finding out there’s a Heretic.

Rip-off of the Rip-off Top 4:
The next set of characters are the “Rip-off of the Rip-off Top 4”. Basically another set of 4 characters that wouldn’t mind dying, however in certain conditions.

These are:

These are characters that… can technically not mind being sacrificed to Vortox, under certain conditions.

If Pixie has a useless character that they know is in-play (such as Soldier), they may come out as Pixie with this information, and sacrifice themselves for the possible Vortox.
if Seamstress has used their ability night 1, they can come out since they won’t be able to do much anymore after using their one time ability.
If Slayer has wasted their shot already for some reason, or wants to use their shot on someone then get sacrificed, that is also optional.
If Politician for some reason is willing to cooperate with Town, we can work with them.

Desperado Sacrifices:
These are two characters that we should only sacrifice under the event that none of the previous characters mentioned above have come out, and we’re stuck on who to sacrifice.

These characters being:

Soldier, while his ability is much more useful when it tanked a kill atleast once, can be used as sacrifice fodder.
Empath, though the character learns information each night, does get night 1 information, so they can be sacrificed while containing relevant information, granted it’s usually much better to keep them alive.

Anyways, no one’s reading my 3 wallposts so basically TLDR;

Part 1: I explain all the sources of misinformation, read that if you’re concerned or need to know what can possibly cause misinformation, read it.

Part 2: I explain madness and the 2 sources of madness. It is very important that you don’t immediately CC any claims, as you might ruin a Pixie’s plan or fall into the Cerenovus’s trap.

Part 3: Vortox needs someone to die each day or evils auto win. There are certain characters that are more better to be sacrificed than others.

So basically.

If you are…:
Heretic (Come out as Recluse though)
Pixie (Only if you have a useless character that you know is in play)
Seamstress (Only if you used your ability night 1)
Slayer (Only if you’ve used your ability already or want to use it now, and then be sacrificed)
Politician (I doubt politician would want to work with us, but whatever we’ll see)
Soldier (ONLY if none of the characters above have came out and we don’t know who to kill)
Empath (ONLY if none of the characters above have came out and we don’t know who to kill)

You should come out as this character, (or do a little fun bluffing first), so that we can sacrifice you to the potential Vortox.

intensify has the sod1 wallpost vibe

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That’s a lot of roles which should potentially come out.
And that’s a lot of information to digest

Well I mean I separated the into basically:

Should Always Come Out
Should Come Out Under Specific Circumstances.
Should Only Come Out If We’re Desperate

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Alrighty, I mean, seems fine tbh.
Just is a lot of information to digest at once.

Staring at a wall like that is intimidating to say the least


It’s semi-important.

This setup is really wierd, but once you understand the ideas behind it, the only thing that screw with you is Drunk and Marionette

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My head is kinda thinking deep into combos and it’s getting confusing.
But from what you’ve said there’s more which chains into it all I think

I mean…

If you compare this to SNV or BMR, the script is actually a lot tamer than it seems.

I’ll be on more in the morning, but I am finally not recluse

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Im- Imp- Impossible!
