Bob RPG | QftMB. A Rude Awakening and The Elevator

but what if he steps on a bad pressure plate.

also there is a sword to dodge as it’s sticking out

He is super light he has no pants

okay then I guess

sorry for this, I know you’re online but are you still interested in this bad game.

Monk needs healing btw, 2HP needed
Rogue needs 1hp healed


I’m waiting for my mace hit to be progressed first.

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You hit the ground. Nothing happens.

What a good idea that was

Bob make another rock wall to destroy the traps.

WAIT IDEA Shoot my sword beam at the trap

You hit the plate. Causing the ceiling to fall on where the pressure plate was.

The rubble over there makes it harder to see though

(I was thinking of…umm doing it on the bloody oath)

(But it will work**

can you explain which path next time.

I’ll probably just be using the most relevant thing if you don’t say where


Now then why not go for a random guess?Go on the calm broken path in a ready stance for any attacks and of course not walk into the sword)

You made it 75% of the way

but suddenly, the door opens arrows are flung at the entire party.

You will be the first one to be hit by them. as you are the closest to the door

Does my stance help me block it or do I take it all and take damage

you have a shield remember

Use my shield and block it

(Ya saved me)

the arrows pierce your shield. falling to the ground like dying men on a battlefield (like the shittiest forced simile ever)