BotC / BotF Discussion

i tried saint+heretic but nobody liked it

and while we’re at it throw a zombuul into the script while theyre too busy having “fun” with goblin/fearmonger/boomdandy/mastermind/saint

maximise suffering
suffering is the food that STs thrive on

Uh oh this secret cannot get out. :flushed:

The Puzzlemaster seems to be an interesting class.
Change my mind.

If you get it wrong and get the person executed then you end up with nothing except a wasted day. How is that interesting

You can find the Demon if you guess right.
Mind you making someone drunk is a problem.
Drunk + Puzzlemaster seems good :sunglasses: .

The Puzzlemaster is effectively an Outsider sage.

because if you guess right


just guess right 100% of the time


I would recommend that the next BoTF have Puzzlemaster included as well.

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Drunk only becomes Townsfolk

puzzlemaster has to guess the player that they made drunk
it’s still a bad interaction

Even then the Drunk character does not have the drunk status


when the puzzlemaster learns the demon but the minions are sw/evil twin/pit hag


I wonder how would Puzzlemaster interact with Lil Monsta and Legion.
Lil Monsta: Find out who is babysitting LM.
Legion: Find 1 player is Legion.