BotF IX - Call for Distress - Evil wins


Amelia can just not register it.

We’ve been over this.

Alright, so I’m the bounty hunter.

I was given the info of someone who is evil.

I want to kill them I guess.

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Who’d you get?

Until a Fabled is added this is false smh

No it’s not Pigeon.

Read up.

Me and App have already tried this.

And Amelia has explained he has full rights to not register it if you attempt to abuse it

Gorta is the evil one I’m being told


This is sorta problematic.

Gorta hasn’t done anything AI so far.

Amelia hasn’t said a thing of the sort

You should nominate tho Rehab

Basically Amelia saying “don’t try to abuse Damsel or I will rekt you”

Ohhhh signup thread

haha i remember this hahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHA

yea yea ive been busy lately, won’t be able to post as much tomorrow either. Activity should pick up after that though :+1:


thats really funny tbh

(i couldve probably posted last night but I didnt know when game was gonna start)

yeah honestly thats V if anything, only a townie wouldnt read the OP

what is paper pirates

I don’t think it was agression, just caps to emphasize

bruh moment for 500 please (yes im doing this again)

travellers can be pithagged :slight_smile:

wazza! ;D

  • They have an extra vote
  • Ability can usually help town (good traveller can give town info, evil traveller can spread false info)

oh yea like the girl clown not the guy one



… huh?

Umm wait

  1. im pretty sure u can’t
  2. if you do it becomes immediatley obvious they were, so


I thought YBW was a spec for a sec.

How you doing YBW


how do I nominate?

You can, wazza sted a game where I was pithag and I wanted to turn a traveller (she wouldnt let me tho :angry:

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just do /nom X

no not this time :slight_smile: