BotF IX - Call for Distress - Evil wins

Boomdandy. Remember?

Then why would you rage at me that itā€™s obvious when it clearly wasnā€™t

/whisper PKR


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Accusation: Went after me before I came online over all other players who werenā€™t online, probably knew I was King.

Accusation: Intensify scummy idk

Pigeon has given his accusation. Please provide a defence, @Zone_Q11

I plead guilty. There was no way I couldā€™ve voted you to start any form of discussion. I voted you because I -the Demon- knew you were the King. There is no other explanation whatsoever.


/nominate PKR


idk if this has been done but I at least want them up

LMAO you seriously trying a no u?

Sorry Apprentice, pretty sure youā€™re evil

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Iā€™m not gonna exile you tho, youā€™re a fellow traveller



Traveller pact and all

you never exile your fellow travellers

A no u wdym?

Itā€™s cuz you were one of the few people Zone whispered and the whole Tea Lady thing

I mean itā€™s ok weā€™re all dumb sometimes



Defense: You kinda scummy as well : )

Finally got caught up and how Zone is acting is just convincing me further that heā€™s a townsfolk. Itā€™s honestly reminding me of Insurgency where he acted exactly like this and was town. I have such fond memories of that game.

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I donā€™t have much of an opinion on Zone to be honest. Except he does thing for ā€œhumorā€