BotF IX - Call for Distress - Evil wins


What isā€¦

Wazza screaming about?

Why canā€™t BH receive three ings?

because the wording prevents it

*three pings?

Bounty Hunter can receive three pings and more.

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Wazza, Iā€™m right. Ask Storyteller

Nuclear is the one claiming to have gotten a third ping I believe.

I asked st myself and Amelia said it twice I could

what the fuck do you think I did, dumbass

either way you slipped up as Pixie, so I donā€™t give a shit

Wazza please refer to the wiki page, where it literally say Bounty Hunter learns all the evils, one at a time.

Did you get a response?

They literally did.

I never said anything that could even refer to me being pixie, which Iā€™m not

Could you explain it then?

Also what happened between Atlas and Wazza I am confusion

Wazza said I somehow slipped when I was saying bounty hunter can get more than two pings

Because I was ā€œdefending nuclearā€

You know Iā€™m no good at explaining things and Wazza is correct after I checked back.BH canā€™t receive a third ing.