BotF IX - Call for Distress - Evil wins

kill me?


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I agree with everything but two

ok so

if atlas is pixie

he is straight up gamethrowing

we can at least agree to that right?

no, we canā€™t.
why is he gamethrowing

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because his play is actively harming town if heā€™s pixie

There is a shaky line between bad play and gamethrowing App.

If you play enough ToL and Untrusted, you would know

literally how

Eli, donā€™t bother with this argument. I donā€™t know why you guys are suspecting me of being pixie, itā€™s probably something with meta idk, but just throw it out the window

how so

like it would be 10000% better to just not say anything

okay but then you arenā€™t being mad about being the BH

Iā€™m not even pixie. This argument will amount to nothing

a real BH would come out and counterclaim most likely
so if you donā€™t, then youā€™re probably not mad

thats not how madness works

you have to make a very convicining effort that you want people to think you are BH if you are atlas here

atlas is, in fact, playing EXACTLY like a pixie would

yes you can be???

you can say that you didnā€™t want to out yourself inititally by counterclaiming and still make a convincing BH claim later on

thereā€™s like a ton of good ways to play it as pixie

this is actively trying to implode town if theyā€™re not real BH

itā€™s risky, because amelia would probably judge you not mad if you did that imo


unless you had like
a really good raeson


being judged not mad

is SIGNIFICANTLY better than causing the entire game to implode

like uh
claiming that you saw the other BH as your ping