Oh wait. Storyteller deciding. I’ve heard of that.
Storytellers job is to keep the game fun for both sides. Randomly putting a curse on demon isn’t fun for wolves
Alright so…
I guess this isn’t very well explained the OP so I won’t blame that much on you but.
Abilities aren’t RNG.
Everything in this game that is “randomly decided” is actually decided by the nerd in the sky known as Amelia.
She has full control over everything and will obviously make your abilities based on randomness affect how they should affect stuff according to what the character is supposed to do. (e.g; Outsider abilities will benefit evil, Townsfolk abilities will benefit good, etc.)
A very good point. I didn’t think of that. Also, with Apprentice being a beggar, we’re using the 14 player spread of roles right?
There’s 16 players
Leafia rolls evil and has a pre-game plan to bluff sweetheart out the gate (possibly to draw a counterclaim) and thinks that sweetheart is okay to claim?
uh, strictly speaking possible
but like, Leafia is never actually the demon here
App being number 16
I’m surprised Leafia did not know about this considering she almost beat good before in another BoTF game with a Lunatic claim…
Which deeply concerns and scares me
mostly because a sweetheart claim is never going to endgame
Hmmm, not sure if I’d come up with that if I had rolled evil. It does sound like it could be a good and interesting idea if I roll evil in the future though. I’ll need to keep it in mind. Thanks.
Yeah I agree.
She’s probably never the Demon.
If she is, bold af I guess.
If she’s evil per say, the best theory I have is that this is a Vigormortis setup with her as a Minion and Vigormortis Demon.
Vigor kills her, triggering the “sweetheart” ability (in reality nothing happens) and Leafia still keeps her minion ability.
Evils can leverage this Sweetheart ability to explain misinformation and stuff.
Of course…
This is unlikely for the reason that she’d specifically need to neighbour the demon and be the poisoner or pit hag
Oh. I thought he was number 15 for some reason. Anyway, what does the beggar even do?
ive had out-the-gate softs as wolf in previous rands
sweetheart hardclaim is plausible evil but more likely good imo
Dead cop
He has 0 votes at the start, dead players can give him votes, which tells him the dead players roles if they give him the votes
The votes do not stack ontop of another
i think that “leafia is sitting next to the demon” is like
not probable
Who is leafia sitting next to again?
Ah okay. The only question is if he’s good or evil. I think we should let him live for now. Anyone who dies should give him their vote I think. It’ll help us better determine whether he’s good or evil.