BotF IX - Call for Distress - Evil wins

counterpoint: gghana


imo your actions donā€™t make sense at all, just seems like youā€™re trying to shift blame to Eli

I mean.

Whatā€™s wrong with me trying to cover up for Lycan as Poisoner/Pit Hag fodder?

Obviously I am aware that Eli couldā€™ve been fake, but I chose to put my trust in someone day 1.

But whatever.

Eli will confirm that he claimed Lycan to me day 1.

Youā€™ll see

i assume that you didnt get pit-hagged or u would have claimed that

Yeah I was Pit Hagged into Lycanthrope actually

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nah I was pit-hagged into Gangster, this is a sad day

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Am now waiting for Tan to come in here and give 50 reasons as to why my Lycan body double strategy was a horrible idea and why I should feel bad about myself.

Also speaking of Tanā€¦

Sheā€™s been kinda quiet ngl.

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Gangsta owl with a tophat is a blursed sight to behold.


Bold of you to assume Eli will come back

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By the way @Wazza.

Whatā€™s this about?

I literally donā€™t remember any details about a dumb plan with App to not exile you.

That was me hypothesising why you would ever choose me as a Lycan

all i want is to be pit-hagged into lycan irl
i mean preferrably an ailuranthrope but cant be too picky

being pit-hagged into damsel would also be cool
sadly that subjects it to a 1/7 billion rand which is unlikely

Oh bruh.

By the way, the real reason I havenā€™t exiled you yet is because I was assuming Eliā€™s info was real for the time being, meaning that you were evil.

So whoever you saved was basically a free red.

This all goes out the window now I guess, since there is some doubt about Eliā€™s slot.

You canā€™t exile me anyway, exiling me is -EV so lmao


Pit Hag + Damsel - If the Pit-Hag creates a Damsel, the Storyteller chooses who the new Damsel is.

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With the power of friendship and hope I can exile you

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fair enough
if the storyteller is Amelia the chances are probably >>1/7 billion

well no itā€™s actually 1/15 and then further lowered to 1/11 and then further lowered to 1/8 if youā€™re a Townsfolk