BotF IX - Call for Distress - Evil wins

Wazza thinks I was “defending nuclear” and that somehow makes me pixie, when I was doing neither

I never called nuclear bounty hunter

of course not but it’s still worth a shot considering this was heavily planned out

you literally did

mate ya already failed it, there’s no reason to continue it.

I still think that if he is pixie he is being suffciently mad, as opposed to regular gameplay he has to keep this act up for days, without getting caught. If he slipped up once or twice I wouldn’t blame him at all

Anyway in all honesty, I had something major to say, then Atlas ruined it by proving me wrong in whispers.

I’ve not claimed pixie, or anything similar to wazza. That is a lie. I am bounty hunter, and you guys assuming I’m pixie day after day is getting on my nerves

You’re actually not an owl??

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However, with all information we have, it’s concrete that it is Vigormortis game, the added Outsider was recovered by a Balloonist and a Huntsman, and that Eli was a Minion, what Minion? Poisoner.

I don’t think that’s how it works but ok

Also to add onto this, Gorta wasn’t Minion, he was Evil FT. The only reason I thought Gorta was

Huntsman’s Damsel can choose to take over a Townsfolk or Outsider slot depending on ST at least that’s what me and Amelia decided when I asked him

Are you claiming that either me or ybw is now malfunctioning, wazza?

Minion was because I thought Nuclear was Evil BH who had Atlas confirming him as BH by being Pixie.


Why did you bring YBW into this?

Ybw is elis neighbor


At least I’m pretty sure

I am, so if vigo killed eli then either me or atlas is poisoned now

I don’t know fs if I am or not so

Is it that the person next to vigor malfunctions or that the neighbors of the minion vigor kills malfunctions