BotF IX - Call for Distress - Evil wins

pacifist is the easiest claim because theres no way to hold me accountable for it and i dont have to submit night actions

I don’t think thats how it works at all, like ive read the almanacs and it never descibred the situation. The minion is already dead, they keep their ability. You can’t kill them again as they are already dead. Executing them would kill them, but they are already dead.

we can still execute eli it just, objectively will not do anything

I will double check but this should be clarified somewhere.

Nevermind, I’m reading the rule book and seeing what it says.

Be right back.

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when double ended arrows dont exist

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Who’s nominated & why?

This game is bastard.

Rule book says a dead person can’t die twice.

I don’t like this game anymore

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Okay nevermind,

Amelia also confirmed it.

Vigor Mortis too OP plz nerf

…i dont like intensify trying to frame this as a vigormortis game

Damsel : All Minions know you are in play. Once per game; a Minion may publicly attempt to guess your identity, if they are correct, your team loses.

This says nothing about the minion having to be alive

How are we so sure it’s a vigor mortis play?


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zumbuul :flushed:

Cloned Eli literally outted themselves as Minion and they were killed by Demon last night

No way in hell does non-Vigor Mortis demon ever kill a Minion here for no reason at all


/whisper @YoubutWorse

accept rn

alright fine /accept

Pit-Hag : Each night*, choose a player and a character they become (if not in play). If a Demon is made, deaths tonight are arbitrary.

Besides we already have 2 outsiders (damsel, sweetheart)


Also someone explain the current mechtalk, I have no idea what this is all about.

YBW claims Balloonist.

Which adds an Outsider.

Vigor and Baloonist can cancel each other out.

Yes I am aware Pit Hag is a thing but that means they specifically went from Fang Gu/Lleech to Vigor Mortis which would be ??? Sometimes a wierd move.

I would explain it but I also have no idea who is nominated