Probably with Atheist
next botf run an atheist game?
I can’t tell if Majority Evil or no Evil would go over better
then again town on this site would lose an Atheist game tbh
Would that be worse than D1 Saint
Eli and Pigeon agree to do 3 for 3
Pigeon says Saint, Sailor, Gambler
This is honest, because Pigeon is Sailor
Eli: “Nope, don’t trust that”
Eli says Philo, Exorcist, Preacher (he’s actually the Chef)
Pigeon says he doesn’t trust it
Eli: “that’s OMGUS”
Can’t wait for noms tbh
I’ll be honest
I thought Lil’ Monsta couldn’t kill when under exorcist effect
Curse you wording changd
See, the problem with that is that nothing else can ever stop a Monsta kill, so if town knew it was Monsta game (like they always do in Penance because it’s the only Demon that can be in the game), a night where no one dies is a dead giveaway that Exorcist hit the babysitter.
The fun thing about protective abilities in a Monsta game (and Legion as well, it’s also a game where Storyteller chooses kills) is that it’s never actually about causing a no-kill night to happen, it’s instead about ensuring that the person being protected doesn’t actually die. This is why Fool and Soldier are actually decently powerful in this setup, because Soldier can’t fucking die to Monsta unless Sailor/Philo makes them drunk, and Fool can’t die to Monsta until something else would kill them and expends their ability (or drunkenness happens). Sailor also slightly presents this issue, but it’s much less severe because Storyteller can just turn off the Sailor’s immortality on any given night and then kill them.
I was under the impression old Exorcist wording meant that Monsta couldn’t act
(By the way, this means that if the final two Townsfolk in a Penance game are Soldier and unspent Fool, the Storyteller has to start killing Minions with Monsta.)
Oh, this conversation actually reminds me! Show of hands, who thinks evil will pull a gamer move and give the Monsta to Marl at some point in the game, because town can’t actually kill him with execution that day thanks to the Fool ability?
Question is if they think of that
Which is possible
See, it’s diabolical if they actually do it because town has to execute Marl and waste his shield in order to get the Monsta to move (otherwise evil’s just never gonna touch him and keep that shield up).
This is actually the only character in the game that has this strange interplay with Monsta. Sailor’s immunity to execution can be nullified by their drunkenness, Pacifist can’t be used to keep Monsta alive because it’s entirely down to Storyteller fiat, and Tea Lady/DA can usually just be killed by Monsta ability to stop them from making Monsta execution-proof.
But Monsta’s requirement to kill someone means that they can’t be used to pop Fool’s shield, so evil could technically use that to force town to burn Marl’s shield. The tradeoff to this, of course, is that it basically confirms him as Fool because like I said, this only works if you do it with exactly the Fool.
Could get particularly nasty if they save it for final 3
What have we learned from this? Oh yeah, Monsta is jank
If any of them is going to think of it, it’s probably going to be Marshal. I don’t think PKR or Night has the interest in Clocktower rules errata to come up with this sort of thing, and no good player who thinks of it is going to say it out loud, lest they give evil ideas.