wait no roles aren’t unique-
roles aren’t unique?
game machine broked
it’s clown fiesta
the only rule is that there are no rules
(5 savants will not roll, that was a joke)
well you see sir we have 3 pit hags and now we have a day 4 evil win where 13 of the 15 players are evil
everyone gangsta till theres 3 alive fang gus
Wait so are characters unique or not
and they all target different outsiders
they are
that was a joke
I have made like 7/15 people evil in S&V before
Ok good…
Inb4 this setup is all drunks
This game sounds like a great way to suffer
also i just realized the scripts are fucking outdated
look up your character on the wiki
thats how im running it
You are a model host
wow thanks, send me 5 bucks and i will (CENSORED BY GGHANA’S LEGAL TEAM)
i’ll post the character lists at SoN1
thank you
you can do all the hard stuff while i make the A R T