Butler Poison King is not working

What happened?

Poisoned king as butler. Nobody healed him but he still survived.

Game before that another butler claimed he poisoned king but king still survived without heals. (He was a butler not converted)

What was SUPPOSED to happen?

In both games King should have died.

Steps to reproduce:

Poison the king.


Why ?

1.Was it starting king

2.Did you do it day four :eyes:

May of been physician turned king

Starting king, both times. Did on when it was available.

Did you have it afterwards cause I remember me clicking it one time and then it didn’t work but it was available the next day too

Could of been it :man_shrugging:

Have also faced this bug when I occupied the only healer. The poison simply does not work.

Nope. The button was greyed out with 0 uses left. It did say “you poisoned king”.

Did a phys put poison/bleeding immunity on the king?

Because if phys put that on king he should be immune to butler nightshade wine

Phys cannot do this to the King.

Seems like people have not been reading the news on the Discord.

i42-:heart: Boslof :heart: - Yesterday at 23:15
New patch is out. Should really fix poison/bleeding this time.

This was reported 7:32pm my time and the response came 23:15pm. This means that the issue should no longer be there unless it means a seperate issue that has been happening, but this might be the same one.