Butler/Servant Rework

False because the assasin could have attacked your second target causing more chaos and confusion if occupied they can’t attack anyone causing no confusion.

Yes but only because debauch redirects to himself and he gets immunity from the debauched person. Otherwise occupying is good, it stops assasins and reapers, and converted targets. I am not doubting that occupying could need a buff just I disapprove of this way.

Really making them more similar, with both of them being redirectors rather than an occupier and a redirector.

Not arguing this but this is proving my point that occupation is STRONGER in that it would do more damage to the BD and the scums rather than redirecting their targets to whoever. In a cult game, this would make catching invokers even harder because the invoker has the same ability as the butler and the drunk, instead of 2 uses of the butlers ability and 5 of the drunk considering hh = occupation

While I do agree that debauch is superior to serve wine, I think it could be solved without too many changes. For example, changing debauch so it doesn’t tell you if your target is occ immune will make butler more unique since he will be the only BD that can find occupy immune classes, while drunk could still find attackers. Also I’ve said it a lot of times but I think Happy Hour and Concentrated Wine should be swapped.


But party has a more Unique usage compared to HH making swapping them a Nerf for butler.

IDEA WE JUST GIVE BUTLER THE ABILITY TO REDIRECT TO HIMSELF. Then we give him happy hour, then we switch serve wine to the drunk. Give drunk party. Then give drunk a day ability to posion the king.

Do we really need 2 classes that can poison King?

Oh sorry remove posion from butler


Ok. I don’t think it’s fair that the Royal is the one that can Party tho.

Oh ya…

Okay we take away Royal from drunk he was to drunk at a party :slight_smile: so king removed him from any contact.
Then the king decided to bless the butler with royal blood :slight_smile:

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Tbf I imagine a drunk throwing a party over a butler that

(Surprisingly get paid a lot)

Throws a party

Not how that works. Party isn’t targetable.

Did I think of the wrong ability



It would still be weaker. If you try to reveal results on that, you could out Prince.

Also debauch inherently makes the power still take effect, just on someone else. Would you rather redirect or occupy a Physician? At least debauch BD still gets the heal. Occupation is just inherently weaker.

So? It shouldn’t have perfect accuracy.

Problem is that Drunk gets all the positive effects from the target, making it so investigators still get some info, Knights and Physician protect the Drunk, and so forth.

Better than one being a better version of the other.

Even if it is strong, it becomes negative utility for BD. It can help, but Drunk just becomes much, much more useful in comparison.