False because the assasin could have attacked your second target causing more chaos and confusion if occupied they can’t attack anyone causing no confusion.
Yes but only because debauch redirects to himself and he gets immunity from the debauched person. Otherwise occupying is good, it stops assasins and reapers, and converted targets. I am not doubting that occupying could need a buff just I disapprove of this way.
Really making them more similar, with both of them being redirectors rather than an occupier and a redirector.
Not arguing this but this is proving my point that occupation is STRONGER in that it would do more damage to the BD and the scums rather than redirecting their targets to whoever. In a cult game, this would make catching invokers even harder because the invoker has the same ability as the butler and the drunk, instead of 2 uses of the butlers ability and 5 of the drunk considering hh = occupation