This way he could visit people to make himself suspicious…
Like what? And why would Fool need this?
To avoid being called out as Fool because of no visits, it would add more strategy to Fool play since you can visit people you expect to get attacked that night. It’s basically another Frame ability but one that involves more skill
Frame can make him suspicious enough.
A simple strategy could be:
Trollbox King: What’s X’s class?
Frame that night.
That can add enough suspicion. Just get Sheriffs/Paladins to check you, and you’re set.
This assumes you have an observer on you at all times or so. The Fool is a social class and he should remain as such. Tampering with investigative results and TB are enough in my opinion. Relying on the super fringe scenario of visiting somebody that will likely be attacked and likely will have an observer on them is not how you should attain your win condition. Fools also should typically win early game where this new ability would be even more useless. There are already hundreds of fool strategies and he should not need more complexity in my opinion. If you are really that worried about being called out for no visits, simply claim you’re hunter and you’ll be exed by a real hunter or a psychic that only links dead people, or claim you were occupied or something.
We could just make frame also give you a dummy visit.
Giving Fool fake visits makes him even funner. Just because he’s classified as social isn’t a good reason not to make more fun. Frame is not a social ability. Alch is support even though he’s a killer. Etc. I’m not saying Fool is underpowered, I’m just saying this would make him even funner to play.
Fool did use to have a ability called surprise mojo that occopys someone but that kind of told people there was a fool
The Fool already has a pretty broad toolbox and, in my experience, doesn’t usually have much trouble winning in skilled hands. I’m not sure he needs anything else.
(Putting aside the fact that he already has two night abilities, both of which are important - more important than this would be.)