Candlelight Deadchat

So they quickvote Arete, Arete nulls it…they do it again quickly?

votes are perma nulled

so if arete uses it im going to remove all hours

Perma nulled oof. How does town even win this? PKR just hits Arete?

Kyle was killed I was poisoned death


Wait actually arete can force lights out by not voting

I was planning on leading a whole campaign against Arete tbh

Eevee also got my concerns

Arete should have been hung D1 :frowning:

Naaaa, Kyle also died to my poison. Hippo’s heal is a day heal :wink:

Don’t, because arete + 2 town can mislynch a townie

After Squid’s revealed it was undeniable wolves didn’t know each other. It was all lone

And Arete’s playstyle was so weird. Tone was off when I read his posts. And his plays wasn’t Arete-ish

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That’s what I wanted :man_shrugging:

But it was clear both arete and jake were maf

So I didn’t care between the two

That’s what I tried to point out, but nobody listened to me :^)

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I know I’m scum too, but I wanted a spicy bus so I could get towncred

Well I was gonna hit Jake because he was 100% not town. Arete I knew was scum but there was a slighter chance Arete could be town.

I’m auprised you were lynched tbf

I think you 100% played the best maf game as you were the only wolf who wasn’t d1 obvwolf

Huh…… huh

Because you were also scummy Squid. And Arete had a large amount of evidence where even if I did die, it wouldn’t have mattered much since they could use it. But there are barely any active posters left. Aside from Eevee and Arete which seem to try and fight over control of thread