Candlelight Deadchat

that’s what i call it anyways

I don’t think putting Mathew Patrick in a vacuum helps, either.


Also if you fullquote a post, you can see the truth

Town are incredibly dreary.
I am surprised this had come to this conclusion.
Such a meaningless loss.

The sheer tomfoolery is not to be understated.
Arete did well there. Hippo was beyond suspicious to me with their claim and with how they acted with their willingness to hammer without listening to a defence.

This game end is a fault of the final town alive there and the 3 modkills. I mean no offence to you scum members but this was not an earned victory simply a thing which was thrown to a probable loss not long into the game with modkills and furthered due to town being incapable of reasoning in the final 5.

Disappointment is an understatement for how I feel here. Eevee should’ve been better than this. Though Hippo, in all honesty, I never had faith in to begin with.

is there some beef i smell

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I simply just stated the facts.
Arete did well.
Eevee performed to a lower standard than I expect.
Hippo unfortunately never impresses me and once again has been lacklustre

Sorry, but we were 3 lost wolves.

Which means we were 3 members of a faction that should:

  1. have 4 members
  2. should be together
  3. Need more KP

Like really, this game was really town sided. The only upside is that PKR was the only town Killer, so if they die then it’s game over when candlelight goes out.

With 3 modkills that changed Jake. And don’t try to deny that.

Since yes, you were lost wolves. But with plenty of kill power. Multiple KPN

I of course blame the buffoons for getting themselves modkilled and not scum on that aspect but other than that everything else I said was accurate.

it was balanced at the start and scum power was meant to increase as the game went on.

yall had the worst possible D1 beast lynch

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I mean… I was the only scum with more than 1 KPN. Also, Kai… did you make my class on purpose?

I was the most useless beast.

There are literally no investigators

I agree with this.
It was balanced at the start probably.

But this is a loss due to town, not scum per se.
3 modkills and Hippo.
We lost a lot of change in this factor alone.

In case you can’t tell I’m sick to death of this shit.
This is why I wanted to leave but I loved this concept.
Then we just go to the stupid repeat of nonsense.

it rolled like that

was cackling

there was potential for a invest

That doesn’t matter if my entire class was build around them spawning.

Well, I think we’re still stuck on the reliance on mechanics which can lead to angleshooting attempts :^)

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Yeah, next time don’t just give out a vanilla town card to people that are exactly the same, unless you post it somewhere public for all to see.


Like, even if it is angleshooting to do so, they are still unlynchable because of their claim.

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