Candlelight Deadchat

>has a claim vig

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Yeah, a claim vig that only works if they out themselves completely.

That wonā€™t work on Vanilla towns, as their classcard isnā€™t posted.

It wonā€™t work on anyone else, because lying about even one small detail will cause the ability to fail completely.

you realize the text is ā€œtheir full claimā€

so them literally claiming VT is enough for the claimvig to fire

Not it isnā€™t.

They also need to claim any and all passives
And their winning condition.

Well, the town win conditionā€™s open to the public since before the game started

Does claiming your win condition count or not count as partially claiming?

So no new games?

PKR, why didnā€™t you claim death immunity as to why there isnā€™t a death and push Arete? Its been obvious that Arete was scum since D1, just misplays by town keeping Arete in this

and arete generally pulling their shit together

Arete D1 play: Awful
Arete D2 play: Better
Arete D3 play: Dude come on now, hang This fucker already

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Ploy or not, Arete confessed the null vote ability to Eevee so Arete has been lying one way or another. Eevee knew Arete was scum; you donā€™t hang a possible wolf over a confirmed one with the idea that thereā€™s 4 scum left. Come on now.

Its fucking LyLo. You have 5 players left, and hanging PKR was THE WORST possible hang.

I still also donā€™t know why Jake was the lynch over Arete but whatever. I ONLY wanted Arete dead D1, but reluctantly voted Jake because nobody else besides maybe Marshal wanted Arete dead. And Jake was obvi-not-town but I wanted the sure-fire nightkill.

Itā€™s not as bad as that one game where people decided to lynch the confirmed Sheriff

Which one?

I forgot :confused:

Hindsight: You can kind-of angleshoot the PKR lynch. 5 players left, only one claims townvig. If thereā€™s 2 scum assumed, you can assume youā€™ll need a townvig or else game would have ended. You gotta assume thereā€™s a townvig for a reason.

Guess it doesnā€™t matter, though. Arete clearly has death immunity because theyā€™d be dead for targeting PKR. Why you bothered to even have townvigs is beyond me, Kai. To find death immunes like a Knight hitting the NK?

to fuck with you

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To get the exact result you got: Townvig hitting another town.

yknow you coulda used it once candle light ran out