Candlelight Deadchat

Fry me into Calamari.

I chortled.

pkrā€™s vig only works once time runs out

Thatā€™s what I mean. If Arete is ever upped, Arete will null themselves and eventually end unto forever night. Who gets priority kill?

its possible to get an impossible majority and force forever night but thats a bad move

Like how does forever night work?

night starts
runs as normal
flips and feedback
day starts
no time left
day ends
night starts
and so on and so son

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I had this nightmarish envision that it never goes back to day lol

My D1 ideal situation would have been perfect in hindsight. I wanted Arete hung and I was gonna kill Jake. Ah well.

Well, almost perfect since Jake would be immune. Then heā€™d be hung the next day

Iā€™m not even mad. The only townie left still trying is Eevee. You canā€™t blame Eevee when nobody is trying.

Nah if the only townie trying is leading town off a cliff then they deserve equal blame

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Like eevee has failed any sort of NKA at all.

NKA proves arete as wolf ImO

I must say, Arete has done wonderfully since start of D2.

The time to get Arete was D1/N1. I think this is over regardless of the hang.

ā€¦I stand corrected. Arete says IF EEVEE AND UNI ARE BOTH TOWN


uni is semi-optimal
they die tonight to poison but itā€™s still an ML

True. It makes Squid look good though, unless Eevee solidifys the ā€œall wolves are lostā€ theory.

and hippo is still doing nothing

oh and uni lowkey gamethrowing if he keeps this up as this is essentially lylo

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Yeah. I feel like a properly placed self vote is good, but he did one improperly. Arete and Eevee could have slammed him if they were around. And Kyle is just :sheep: -ing so itā€™s a bad recipe knowing Town is in LyLo