Candlelight Deadchat

What was the fakeclaim again? Something about counting mechanics?

Poisoned, as far as right now, itā€™s obvious that all wolves are lost.

Arete claimed that they had mechanical info stating that there were four total scum in the game

Squids idea is that Arete should be able to figure out scum numbers based on fakeclaim

So then the blame either goes to Arete, or PKR/Sulit is last scum. Nobody else is bothering to check Eevee

Because itā€™s Eeveeā€¦ Nobody dares to argue with Eevee

Well thank Eevee because I was about to expose Arete lmao

Literally an hour before EoN he comes up with a scum theory that indicated Wazza

Even if Arete was correct, and there are 4 scum, they are all lost wolves so they donā€™t know eachother

Areteā€™s claim was obviously made in their mind.

ā€œI can find ratios of numbers of mechanics with a mathematical formulaā€

That nerd shit wouldnā€™t come from kai


its one shot

Sulits liking all my posts right now about Arete being weird and evil. Good looks for town

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They didnā€™t like my posts calling Arete out though >:(

Gee I wonder why lmao

arete just told eevee theyā€™re a beast

goddamn it arete

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In their classcard, can you tell them that I called them a hoe

dead men tell no tales


Therefore, they are in fact a hoe.

Because hoes gonna b mad

Can I ghost message Eevee and tell him I told him so?