Candlelight Deadchat

Arete better be lynched they are obv wolf. My first comment on them was ur playing weird

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also real shit

what was the bullet thing?

did jake claimvig me and promptly fail?

he tried to claim vig pkr l m a o

oh lulso.


also if our doc doesn’t use his day cure kyle is fucking dead

i mean a mason claimed poisioned

so… i imagine that doc should do that.

Realshit though. I would like to apologize Kai. The angleshooting thing with the passive got a little out of hand. I know I didn’t start it but like I felt bad enough after doing it a tiny bit to clear Derps and Marshal

i blame ringleaders not people associated

yeah i felt bad too.

I did it and then realised what i was doing was bad and so decided to completely break it off but then it crept back when i got pressure.

im happy with my performance this game

take it as you will but i think i did pretty damn good

How upgraded are the beasts now?

they have one upgrade point right now

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well each that is

tbh mixing spoiled and unspoiled is gonna be hard

i have the itch to spoil to discuss game with these nerds

but i’ll keep queit

Just ||spoil it in these||

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Shit doesnt have discord spoilers

use details

do these work too?

you can still sorta make out text with it


Arete needs to be lynched. Squid I had in poe but based on Aretes dumb clear on her she might get shot