Candlelight Deadchat

Are all wolves lost?

I don’t think so.

We had good day play Tbh, aside from the modkillbomb. Its the bad night play.

all wolves are lost

Oh shit so I was right? Huh.

fun fact
hippo’s poison cure is during the day so if it goes to night kyle dies

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Jesus. I hope he realizes this.

god eevee is running this town off a goddamned cliff

like it could not have been more clear that arete is mafia. I had arete as lock mafia and eevee goes ahead and is like “lUl iTs Unifvresalrall!!!”


like eevee is the reason i had to reveal my reactiontest

leading me to be nightkilled

and then makes poss shoot a townie

and then instead of pushing the clearly outlined scum goes for universal instead

Early Townreads: Marshal (likely FPSing as town), PKR (completely undressed to us, which isn’t a scum move).

Early Scumreads: Diggity (weird finger point on Derps with 0 posts), Squid (Pocket Squid always seems to flip scum), Arete (the differing playstyle is noticeable, and I’m fairly certain that there is scum on the PKR push)

Early Wildcards: Derps (if Diggity is in fact scum, Derps scum equity rises as SDA likes to scumread and get scumread by wolfmates), Dat (definite weird style and has a good amount of scum equity right now…definitely more than PKR)


Not to pat myself on the back, but this was my first official list. I feel like I still have ways to go and my biggest issue is that I put the weight of others opinions in my game decisions, but I feel my reads have come a long way from where they used to be. I’m starting to not hate playing town.

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So here’s where you little lone wolf mechanic gets fun, @Ami. Squid is very clearly townreading Arete, likely for the fakeslips and pushes as since I’ve been dead, Arete has cleaned up the act.

Eevee and myself theorized a lone wolf scenario, and we were both pretty adamant on that. That means votes and the sort mean nothing and town has to find the fake pushes. If Squid is hung and they false clear Arete, this could be trouble but I think Arete is playing for the longcon.

As much damage as Eevee did, Eevee holds the power here and has the tools to win.

this game is unbalanced, change my mind.

game is tilted mechanically in scum’s favor but not to the point where it’s uncounterable like looming threat

basically it’s forcing town to not be a bunch of dumbasses

plus centuries/derps/diggity got themselves killed

Not necessarily favored scum. You got wolves not able to communicate so they can’t find each other. Once town realizes it’s lone wolf, its over.

Agenda in this set up is the scumtell, and scum made their scumtells obvious.

Oh wait you said mechanically. Yeah, they need it though. They’d have been done early without a few unfortunate events

Also wtf is Eevee doing rn

im a firm believer that communication and coordination is as strong as a 3KPN on a single ability.

i took that away and in turn gave them a potential (though this is highly unlikely) 3KPD and 4 KPN (more likely but without coordination kills can overlap)