Canned cans it got canned

(if it starts in the next 2 hours, otherwise rip)
Ping me on discord when it starts.


My first one was a turbo, soā€¦ canā€™t go that wrong ^^

Immune to what?

If rng doesnā€™t give me this, I will cry.


I canā€™t roll Alchemist randomly for you but It would be funny for you to get alch

I joined my first fol match because it had a ā€œPriestessā€ class in it, I didnā€™t get it though

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Btw if 9 players are here theres only gonna be one neut non nk.

Nk will only spawn if we get a lot more.

I bless you with the powers of the supreme luck goddess, may the RNG be in your favor.

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Why remove their Royal Blood? Punishing BD for killing evilā€¦ Same with all the other Kings.

That actually is normal

Removal of royal blood has been ingame before

Mistake. lemme fix

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Thank you, mother.

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But on non BD Kings?

Not normal on ek that was a complete miss-hap.

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Been on certain neut kings before :woman_shrugging:

Like way back


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Iā€™m gonna call rigged when that happens.

Wanna join btw or nah I know Iā€™m smelly :c