Canned cans it got canned

Lmao they tried killing me


Yeah so bassically you said kill issac but then said heal fk and I got confused.

Wtf apostle tried to kill me

I can tell it hurts Fk to not aggresively FPS

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Because the heal counts as a kill

Is geyder playing too?

yes i tried to kill fire because im told you’re good and im a fucking noob so i wanna get the threat out first


Okay no, sorry Soul calling you out on this.

You confused me back so we both bamboozled each other.

It’s worse in turbos when they are better

it hurts my soul

You can’t rig roles in this game.

I fucking knew it but TWTBAW

no ip for you

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you exposoed ur ip btw

I badgered Soul to let me keep obs

Sorry Soul but no. You rigged the Alch roll for CuteAlch

by the way someone host a cop9 or a vig 10

I’m being pretty laid back so I won’t try too hard