Canned cans it got canned

Kk, be a bit

they are married

im not joining this again

Look at our pictures and think logically for two seconds.

if u want another person find someone else

Thatā€™s nice

you guys are fucking crazy and im so confused, wazza is just calling soul out for random reasons, im so confused, and my allies are talking in the night chat during the day and i had nothing to do with it

Alright I get the first part but the thinking part is the one Iā€™m confused about. Are you asking me to think logically and carefully about something? Iā€™m pretty sure you have the wrong guy.

Please? For the lord and savior Mithras?

I still am a follower of Marg, donā€™t criticize me plez

im getting pinged in the server asking to speak even though im not supposed to correct?

Not carefully, just use your one brain cell and there will be a light shining in your face.

I donā€™t have the motivation to explain to apostle

Because alchi rolled alchimist.

Alchemist was a guarntee in game because no other healers.

I was just gonna reroll this crap but people are exposing me on drama alert.

Bold assuming I have a brain cell

eh w/e im out forum games arent for me

Trying to be nice to the weakest ones :*


Oh come on, I said that a year ago at chess mafia

Give it another chance, if you donā€™t like it I wonā€™t pester you further.

Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™re joking about this. At least I am.

Thereā€™s a problem, you introduced them into a turbo game. Wrong move