Canned cans it got canned

Read your class, speak at daytime, do something at nighttime. Then nothing can go wrong.

Always claim your role if you’re not BD and if you’re BD claim fool

Alright already rolled a 9p game lul. But We need the 9p

shut up d1 prince when u were maid

But but it was a good gambit : (

No >:(

@Darknesu Hey, still interested?

But it lead me to townreading you and soul and scumreading math

why would you NOT get angry over a d1 prince?
like it stupid

There are a lot of baits, Alchi


It gave me info
So its good

(Also due to my meta I can always get away with any claim)

Maid could have been deaded

But prince>maid

At least we don’t have FireKitten around for this.
Imagine him with a bunch of newbies around.

@bazingaboy come join us

who is firekitten

Someone scary

Wanna fulfil the imagination?

Yes, Hjasik does basically claim everything, in the worst it is a meme claim. Selfmeta might look strange for people who haven’t played with you at all

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delet this.