Card Idea:Angel,Demon

Angel (blue dragon)

for angel to be active you start as a normal citizen but the moment you die you become a angel

(passive):anyone you look though or resurrect gets blessing giving them 1 night of immunity

Vision: You gain 5 uses to see a persons role.

Dream: you draw a image to send to a player only at night 3 time use.

Resurrection:1 time use you give up your role to Resurrect the dead,Therefore rendering you useless.


simliar to the angel you start as a citizen but,upon death you become essentaily a bodyguard for the cult leader.

passive:the cult leader forces you to kill a target.
passive:preist are able to kill you if you target anyone related to them (resserected,Royal family).

Vision:look at a person’s role.

murder:kill a target of your choice (gives leader blood) (3 uses).

Possession:a one time move allowing you to (Possess anyone besides cult members) and use any of their ability’s for one day.



Since when we are having a card game like tos…

  1. define “citizen”
  2. also can the Angel be converted? if so what does it convert to
  3. What’s the class type?
  4. when are the abilities used?
  5. what’s a “role”? we only have classes here
  6. what are the passives called?
  7. “the cult leader forces you to kill a target.” this isn’t a passive, how does this work, what does the Cult Leader have to do?
  8. why does priest kill?
  9. what does priest have to do with the royals?
  10. murder is too strong
  11. possession can only use day abilities?

Please define “Card Idea”.

Try using this template:

Also, I’d recommend posting Class Suggestions here:

This class is very similar to a role featured in the coven dlc of Town of Salem. It’s an interesting class
but it doesn’t quite fit the game in my opinion.

sir do you even read?

Yes i do read, and what i read is my opinion on what the class is very similar to.

is this a suggestion for Steam Trading Cards, modeled after these classes?
or a Board Game about ToL with these classes in it?

it’s nothing like it

Angel(Blue Dragon)

fixed capitalization
Would the angel be killable? If not, there should be a way to disarm them.
Also, straight when you see they are a citizen, you would know they are an angel now and cult would convert.

Mmk, they would know that the player would be immune unless it doesn’t say how they came back to life. People would probably assume it to be angel since the person was resurrected after the citizen died.

What ability is that adding uses for? Vision if they are converted to Cult?

I detect many trolls coming out of this ability… Psychic’s ability is used for trolls too xD

OwO less op now that you lose your class. Better balance now that happens but that is still op as you can eventually see people’s roles


How does one become a demon in this? Conversion whilst an angel?

Basically like possessor? Ok.

So you are immune to death otherwise? Dang.

Is this where you get to use the stuff you got to increase the uses of?

Just asking but what does blood do?

Ooh, I could get Fool to die! :smiley:


Would be quite OP.

Class Cards for if it were to become real (Angel only as I am lazy)


Blue Dragon Special

To become angel, you start as a normal citizen but then on death, you become an angel.

Ressurecting Immunity (Passive): Anyone you look through or resurrect gets a single night of death immunity.
Vision (Day): You gain 5 uses to look at a person’s role Maybe nerf this down to 3-4 possible roles or just the type/two types
Dream (Night): Send an image you draw to another player during the night phase (3 uses)
Resurrection (Night): Bring back a dead player, however, you sacrifice your role to bring them back.

Look im not going to sit here and argue with you. It is what it is.

But how to became an Citizen?

1 Like

yes and what it is is not a neutral that needs to see its target survive until the end of the game because we already have that it’s called a mercenary
this is a BD class that can resurrect someone, send pictures and investigate

@Reborn can you answer these?

Also define “Card Idea”.
