They look both neutral and annoyed.
oh yeah that reminds me
might host one again, maybe
Tang would be your co-host?
after all I have access to plenty of new characters to make you all suffer have fun with
you can’t just have both a cross earring and a book i’ve already done that
psychopath alchemist
no I dont have those yet
we have neither psychopath nor alchemist
hopefully alchemist gets revealed in 2 weeks
so who instead wants to play a boomdandy damsel script
just imagine a psycho-alchemist
funniest shit you’d ever see
you fool
I have a double layered earring
see the thing is that we don’t actually know how psychopath avoids being executed
so like
it’s kind of hard to make a makeshift psychopath text
pretty sure psychopath dodges execution unless he loses a game of rock paper scissors against the accuser
I mean sure
but its fine because what we do have is heretic
loses, mind you
draws are dodges
okay but we don’t know for sure
also I have no ideas for a psycho script so someone else has to do it
in hindsight a psychopath!alchemist would be like a hunter but considerably more game breaking
shoot a player kill a player
didn’t get the demon? too bad shoot again