Castle Desolation - Apprentice, WindwardAway, Italy, Nightingale and Gorta are victorious!

Well, you can say what you want and my allies are technically free to.
But, I’m just gonna let the others keep their protection and anonymity.

Yes you can

Protection and anonymity, but neutrals can also betray among themselves

Allied Protective Avenger

If they betray among themselves then so be it, if neutrals come to me and their wincons do not overlap and they wish for more help I will check in with my other neutral allies and we might make a sort of message link.

I will be the messenger between them, to keep them safe.
I will be a protector of the weak and targets (Mostly neutrals)
And a protector towards those loyal to me (Allies)

There will be hope that we will create.
And by levelling up we can have more fun times together :slight_smile:

But can you do fireball?

U told me I was ur only ally tho why are u changing ur mind

I think the answer is literally yes?

Smh Hip.
Don’t try and spread lies or else I might have to terminate our alliance :stuck_out_tongue:
After all, you’re the Sovereign anyway, I’m sure you have an entourage.

Some of which wish to stab you and others who might protect you

You know I am talking to you right?

Yeah, I know

You’re not mage if you cant fireball, that’s what I am trying to say.

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I chose to be an Elf Paladin and yet I think I can kinda cast fireball? Like, what’s my old job? Mushroom Kingdom Plumber or something? :3

Why wld I have allies just cuz I’m sovereign?

I rlly don’t understand what sovereign does lol

Are loads of ppls goals to try kill me or something

Oh fuck I bet someone’s goal probably is to kill the sovereign lol

You probably do have protectors and killers.

Weak-minded heresies attempting to get your crown, heh that wont happen.