Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

So is there any actual reason you don’t like my posts
I appreciate the meme but
This isn’t helping me to think you are town

It’s up to you if you want to do it or take it slow but this complete miscreant is derailing tf out of thread

Anyways I suspect based on thei

this is what I mean by “its plausible”
my ego says “blow up clone and nyarch and if they’re town then sucks for them”

*their initial reaction upon entering the thread that bellcat wouldn’t be super likely to just call for a bomb on somebody else lol

If nya is a miss that’s a loss if mafia have town detantaors though, right?

We’re like

Not even two hours into D1

So… you’re welcome?


You took no effort to analyze. You have not tried to read. Town can be wrong, town can be stupid, but you immediately came in and bombed a player, showed no attempt to read and started fights with the rest of thread over ur dumass actions.

You’re blowing up thread space to just do this stuff

Your actions are extremely wolfy

It’s not level 1. It’s level 1 million. I called your bluff and will revel in your red flip

I didn’t ask you :slight_smile:

Voted Voter Votes
HissingTimebomb CloneCat, CellCat 2/6
MarketableCatgirl GamerCatgirl 1/6
Nyarchmage HissingTimebomb 1/6
CellCat Nyarchmage 1/6

thats what I mean
but that doesnt stop me from throwing a potential lylo situation anyways

not if any mafia have detonated already

okay you have fun with that

I will

oh baby I will

What happened to not detonating in the first 24 hours?

Do you think you have enough information to pin down their alignment and break this rule that you were so insistent on

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This one is a factual question not an opinion

Yeah idk about that either


Yes I do

Their presence in thread is an active neusance

Im good at mafia. Great. I’m wholly fucking confident in this hit. Shit hit the fan and the only way to rectify it is to eliminate this mafia member

technically speaking yes but we have a 24 hour grace period before clonedcat gets their next detonator

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